Evidence for Atoms
Identifying and Isolating Elements
The Greek notion of atoms and elements survived for many centuries and it was eventually fleshed out with the addition of a few more elements, mostly through the efforts of the alchemists. Some elements such as gold were discovered much earlier – mainly because they exist as elements rather than compounds. By the late eighteenth century, the idea of an element as a substance that cannot be broken down into more fundamental substances had begun to be accepted. In 1789 Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794) produced a list of 33 elements. His list did not include earth, air, fire, and water, but it did contain light and heat, along with a number of modern elements including cobalt, mercury, zinc, and copper. It had already been established that oxygen and hydrogen were elements, while water was not. The stage was set for a rapid growth in our knowledge about the underlying structure of matter. We now know of 91 naturally occurring elements, and quite a number of unnatural, that is, human-made ones which are not found in nature because they unstable. These human-made elements are heavier in atomic terms than the naturally occurring elements and are typically generated by smashing atoms of natural elements into one another; they break down, or decay, rapidly into atoms of other elements. As examples of how science can remove some of the mystery from the universe: our understanding of atoms and elements means that no new natural, light elements are theoretically possible. We know of all the light elements that can possibly exist anywhere in the universe, a pretty amazing fact. Similarly, our current understanding of the theory of general relativity and the laws of thermodynamics make faster-than-light travel and perpetual motion machines impossible, although it does not stop people from speculating about them.
The first modern chemical isolation of an element is attributed to the alchemist Hennig Brand (c. 1630–c. 1710).[1] He isolated phosphorus from urine while in pursuit of the philosopher’s stone.[2] While this may seem like an odd thing to do, people have done much stranger things in pursuit of gold or cures for diseases like syphilis. Imagine his surprise when, after boiling off all the water from the urine, the residue burst into flames and gave off a gas that, when condensed, produced a solid that glowed green in the dark. It was for this reason that he named it phosphorus, from the Greek for light-bearer. Similarly, mercury was originally isolated by roasting the mineral cinnabar. Despite being quite toxic, mercury was used as a treatment for syphilis prior to the discovery of effective antibiotics.
Questions to Answer
- Given what you know, how would you explain the difference between an atom and an element?
- What differentiates one element from another?
- What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?
- What is the difference between an element and a compound?
Questions to Ponder
- What types of evidence might be used to prove you had isolated a new element?
- When can unproven/unsubstantiated assumptions be scientific?
- Under what conditions are such assumptions useful?
- Why do you think gold was recognized as an element earlier than many others?
Evidence for Atoms
It is important to note that from the time that the first ideas of atoms arose, and for thousands of years thereafter, there was not one shred of evidence for the particulate nature of matter or the physical existence of atoms. The idea of atoms was purely a product of imagination, and while there was vigorous debate about the nature of matter, this debate could not be settled scientifically until there was objective empirical evidence one way or another.
So the question arises, how did scientists in the nineteenth century eventually produce clear evidence for the existence of atoms? We have already said atoms are much too small to be seen by any direct method. So what would lead scientists to the unavoidable conclusion that matter is composed of discrete atoms? It is often the case that a huge intuitive leap must be made to explain the results of scientific observations. For example, the story about Isaac Newton (1643–1727) and the falling apple captures this truism, namely the remarkable assumption that the movement of Earth around the Sun, the trajectory of a cannon ball, and the falling of an apple to Earth are all due to a common underlying factor, the force of gravity, which acts at a distance and obeys an inverse square relationship, 1/r2 where r is the distance between two objects. This seems like a pretty weird and rather over-blown speculation; how does this “action at a distance” between two objects work? Yet, followed scientifically, it appeared to be very powerful and remarkably accurate. The point is that Newton was able to make sense of the data, something that is in no way trivial. It requires a capacity for deep, original, and complex thought. That said, it was not until Albert Einstein (1874-1955) proposed his general theory of relativity in 1915 that there was a coherent, mechanistic explanation for gravitational forces.
The first scientific theory of atomic structure was proposed by John Dalton (1766–1844), a self-taught Quaker[3] living in Manchester, England.[4] In 1805 Dalton published his atomic theory to explain the observed law of multiple, or definite, proportions, which stated briefly is “when elements combine, they do so in the ratio of small whole numbers”, we will return to this idea later on, in much greater detail.[5] Rather surprisingly, Dalton never really explained what led him to propose his atomic theory, although he certainly used it to explain existing rules about how different elements combine. Among these rules was the observation that the total matter present in a system does not change during a chemical reaction, although a reaction might lead to a change from a solid to a gas or vice versa. Dalton’s atomic theory (1805) had a number of important components:
- Elements are composed of small indivisible, indestructible particles called atoms.
- All atoms of an element are identical and have the same mass and properties.
- Atoms of a given element are different from atoms of other elements.
- Compounds are formed by combinations of atoms of two or more elements.
- Chemical reactions are due to the rearrangements of atoms, and atoms (matter) are neither created nor destroyed during a reaction.
Based on these tenets he was able to explain many of the observations that had been made, by himself and others, about how matter behaves and reacts. More modern atomic theories have made some modifications, for example to include the existence of atomic isotopes, that is, atoms with different numbers of neutrons, but the same number of protons and electrons, and the conversion of energy into matter and vice versa, but Dalton’s core ideas remain valid.
Questions to Answer
- In what ways is Dalton’s atomic theory different from the ideas of the Greek philosophers?
- Which tenets of Dalton’s theory still hold up today?
- Design an experiment to investigate whether there is a change in mass when water changes phase. What data would you collect? How would you analyze it?
Questions to Ponder
- How did Dalton conclude that there were no half-atoms?
- Which parts of Dalton’s theory were unfounded speculation and which parts were based on direct observation?
- http://elements.vanderkrogt.net/elem/p.html ↵
- The Philosopher’s stone was thought to be able to turn base (common) metals into gold, and perhaps even be the key to everlasting life. It was the ultimate goal of the alchemists. Interestingly the first Harry Potter book was titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in England but was re-titled in America, because the publishers thought that American children would not be interested in a book with this title, perhaps due a failure to appreciate the importance of philosophy. ↵
- Religious dissenters, that is, non-Anglicans, were not allowed access to English universities at that time. ↵
- An extraordinary number of discoveries related to the structure of the atom were made by scientists in or from Manchester. There must be something in the air there. It is, of course, completely fortuitous that one of the authors was also born and bred in Manchester! ↵
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_multiple_proportions ↵