D15.1 Macromolecules

Applying Core Ideas: Making Really Large Molecules

DNA is an example of a macromolecule—a huge molecule. A typical DNA molecule from the human genome is about 4 cm long and contains about 4 billion atoms. Suppose that you want to make a really, really big molecule like this. How might you go about it? What element or elements would likely be involved? Write a description in your notebook.

Write down your model, then left-click here for an explanation.

Here is one way to approach this problem. There may be other valid approaches.

The model process needs to have a way of converting small molecules into larger molecules. That process needs to be able to repeat many times so that you can start with lots of small molecules and put them together to form a huge molecule.

The molecules are likely to be based on carbon atoms because carbon atoms can link together into stable chains. Linking chains of carbon atoms or building such chains step-by-step could result in very large molecules. There might be other types of atoms, such as nitrogen and oxygen, because many chemical reactions involve functional groups and N or O atoms are in several kinds of functional groups.

Polymers are large molecules made by covalently linking many, many small molecules. The small molecules that link to form a polymer are called monomers. Polymers can be natural (such as starch and proteins) or synthetic (such as nylon and PVC). Because they include a variety of structures and functional groups, polymers have a broad range of properties and uses. For example, polymer-based plastics are now integral parts of our everyday lives.

Polymers provide good examples of how we can apply models involving molecular structure, functional groups, and intermolecular forces to explain and predict chemical and physical properties of materials.

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