Average Bond Energy (Scroll down for average bond length.)

In kJ/mol

I Br Cl S P Si F O N C H
H 299 366 431 347 322 323 566 467 391 416 436
C 213 285 327 272 264 301 485 358 285 346
N - - 193 - ~200 335 272 201 160
O 201 - 205 - ~340 368 190 146
F - 238 255 326 490 582 158
Si 234 310 391 226 - 226
P 184 264 319 - 209
S - 213 255 226 Multiple Bonds Multiple Bonds
Cl 209 217 242 N=N 418 C=C 598
Br 180 193 N≡N 946 C≡C 813
I 151 C=N 616 C=O in CO2 803
C≡N 866 C=O carbonyl 695
N=O 607 C≡O 1073
O=O in O2 498 N≡O 632
Data from Cotton, F.A., Wilkinson, G. and Gaus, P.L., Basic Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., New York: Wiley, 1995.
Corrected values for C-C, and C-O from Cottrell, T.L., The Strengths of Chemical Bonds, 2ed., London:Butterworths, 1958.


Average Bond Length

In picometers, (pm)

I Br Cl S P Si F O N C H
H 161 142 127 132 138 145 92 94 98 110 74
C 210 191 176 181 187 194 141 143 147 154
N 203 184 169 174 180 187 134 136 140
O 199 180 165 170 176 183 130 148
F 197 178 163 168 174 181 141
Si 250 231 216 221 227 234
P 243 224 209 214 220
S 237 218 203 208 Multiple Bonds Multiple Bonds
Cl 232 213 200 N=N 120 C=C 134
Br 247 228 N≡N 110 C≡C 121
I 266 C=N 127 C=O in CO2 116
C≡N 115 C=O carbonyl 121
N=O 118 C≡O 113
O=O in O2 121 N≡O 108


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Chem 109 Fall 2024 Copyright © by Jia Zhou; John Moore; and Etienne Garand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.