Electron Affinity

Atom Atomic No. 1st EA (kJ/mol) 2nd EA (kJ/mol) 3rd EA (kJ/mol)
H 1 -72.77
He 2 48.24
Li 3 -59.63
Be 4 48.24
B 5 -26.73
C 6 -121.85
N 7 6.75 673 1070
O 8 -140.98 744
F 9 -327.95
Ne 10 115.78
Na 11 -52.87
Mg 12 38.59
Al 13 -42.55
Si 14 -133.63
P 15 -72.03 468 886
S 16 -200.41
Cl 17 -348.99
Ar 18 96.49
K 19 -48.38
Ca 20 -2.37
Sc 21 -18.14
Ti 22 -7.62
V 23 -50.65
Cr 24 -64.26
Mn 25 115.78
Fe 26 -15.73
Co 27 -63.78
Ni 28 -111.54
Cu 29 -118.48
Zn 30 57.89
Ga 31 -28.95
Ge 32 -115.78
As 33 -78.15
Se 34 -194.97
Br 35 -324.67
Kr 36 96.49
Rb 37 -46.88
Sr 38 48.24
Y 39 -29.62
Zr 40 -41.10
Nb 41 -86.16
Mo 42 -71.98
Tc 43 -53.07
Ru 44 -101.31
Rh 45 -109.70
Pd 46 -53.74
Ag 47 -125.62
Cd 48 67.54
In 49 -28.95
Sn 50 -115.78
Sb 51 -103.24
Te 52 -190.15
I 53 -295.16
Xe 54 77.19
Cs 55 -45.51
Ba 56 28.95
La 57 -48.24
Ce 58
Pr 59
Nd 60
Pm 61
Sm 62
Eu 63
Gd 64
Tb 65
Dy 66
Ho 67
Er 68
Tm 69
Yb 70
Lu 71 0.00
Hf 72 -9.65
Ta 73 -31.07
W 74 -78.64
Re 75 -14.47
Os 76 -106.13
Ir 77 -151.00
Pt 78 -205.32
Au 79 -222.75
Hg 80 48.24
Tl 81 -19.30
Pb 82 -35.12
Bi 83 -91.28
Po 84 -183.32
At 85 -270.16
Rn 86 67.54
Fr 87
Ra 88
Ac 89
Th 90
Pa 91
U 92
Np 93
Pu 94
Am 95
Cm 96
Bk 97
Cf 98
Es 99
Fm 100
Md 101
No 102
Lr 103
Anderson, T.; Haugen, H. K.; and Hotop, W.. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1999, 28(6), 1526-1527.
Bratsch, Steven G.; Lagowski, J. J. Polyhedron 1986, 5, 1763-1770. Note that in this table the convention is that EA = ΔE when an electron is added to an atom to form a negative ion.


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