Day 2: Energy and Atomic Structure
If you have not yet worked through the Introduction and Day One, please do so before beginning this section.
Today we discuss how electromagnetic radiation (light) can be absorbed or emitted by matter. Studies of atomic spectra led to the idea that electrons in atoms can only have specific quantities of energy, that is, that each atom has energy levels. When an atom absorbs electromagnetic radiation it changes from a lower to a higher energy level; when an atom emits light it changes from a higher to a lower energy level. A model called quantum chemistry applies the equations used to describe waves to electrons in atoms and is able to predict accurately atomic energy levels. Thinking about electrons in atoms involves both wave and particle ideas.
Here are links to all sections of the work for Day Two. Be sure to complete them before your whole-class meeting.
D2.1 Electromagnetic Radiation
D2.2 Atomic Spectra
D2.3 Atomic Energy Levels
D2.4 Hydrogen Atom: Quantum Mechanical Model
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