14 What is plagiarism?

Is Recycling Your Own Work Plagiarism? – MM in Business Management – Blended Learning

Introduction to Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a cultural phenomenon, meaning different cultures understand it differently. Since you are a college student in the U.S., you need to know how it is defined and dealt with in this culture.

One of our course objectives is to ensure that you understand what academic integrity is. Since plagiarism is an important part of academic integrity, we will spend time discussing it and helping you master strategies so that you use sources of information appropriately. This is the official UW-Madison page on Academic Integrity: https://conduct.students.wisc.edu/academic-misconduct/


Watch two short videos on the topic of plagiarism. Take notes on each video: What similarities do you notice? What differences? Is there any information that surprises you?

Video 1 (1:50): This video was produced by the library at Brock University, Canada.


Video 2 (4:17): This video was produced by the Program in English as a Second Language at UW-Madison-Wisconsin.



Now read what the Course Policy says about plagiarism

Plagiarism (direct copying from a source without informing the reader that you are doing so) is a serious writing crime in this culture. Therefore, you will be learning how to avoid it in your writing. In addition, it is forbidden to provide or obtain any assistance on any of your papers except from your instructor and in peer review or Canvas discussion board exchanges. If your instructor discovers plagiarism in your writing, you will automatically receive no credit or a lowered grade for a particular assignment.


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Academic Reading and Vocabulary Skills Copyright © by UW-Madison ESL Program; Alejandro Azocar; Heidi Evans; Andrea Poulos; and Becky Tarver Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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