3 The PQRST Method

A Memory Strategy for Reading

Preview, Question, Read, State, Test

GOAL: Improve your comprehension and long-term memory during reading activities.

Step #1:  PREVIEW:  Look for the “Big Picture”

How to Preview:

  • Glance at the page to get a general idea.
  • Look at titles, headings, pictures, captions, italicized & bolded words.
  • Make a guess about the reading.

Step #2:  QUESTION:  Formulate questions you expect to be answered

How to Question:

  • Think about the title. What’s the topic?
  • What questions do you have that relate to your personal experience?
  • Think of other questions related to the topic.
  • Continue to think about those questions while you read.

Step #3:  READ:  Effective reading is “Active”

How to Read Effectively & Actively:

  • Stay focused on and pay attention to what you are reading.
  • While reading: Underline or Highlight important points.
    • You can write important ideas & personal connections in the margins.
    • Take notes using an outline and identify important main points.

Step #4:  STATE:  Paraphrase the main ideas

How to Become Proficient at Stating:

  • Read a paragraph then state in your own words what the author said.
  • After reading a paragraph, say out loud or write down 1 important main idea.
  • Review your notes & state out loud the overall topic and main ideas.
  • Answer the questions you asked before you started reading.

Step #5: TEST:  Reflect on your answers to questions & overall comprehension

How to Use Testing:

  • Ask yourself:
    • What did I just learn?
    • Did I answer the questions I had? Do I need to repeat any steps?
    • Do I need to read further or listen more to answer the questions?

Take Home Message:

To remember something that you read, you need to spend time and really think about the ideas. You won’t remember things just by reading over them several times.




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Academic Reading and Vocabulary Skills Copyright © by UW-Madison ESL Program; Alejandro Azocar; Heidi Evans; Andrea Poulos; and Becky Tarver Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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