20 The Blank Sheet Method

Students Take Powerful Class Notes ...

The blank sheet note-taking method is a great way to actively engage your brain with the articles that you are reading. You need to use this method effectively though, as it would be easy to take notes excessively or simply copy random sentences from the article into a blank sheet. You need to be reflective and selective when using this method.

Here’s how you can use it effectively while reading an article:

  1. Start with a Blank Sheet: Begin with a completely blank sheet of paper or a blank document on your computer.
  2. On the blank sheet, write down what you know about the article’s topic. This will serve as a foundation for your notes. you may write these notes as you wish; for example bulleted sentences or short paragraphs(s).
  3. Preview the article.
  4. Important: Read short sections of your reading (likely a paragraph or two or up to a page) and pause to think about what you just read. Then, take notes from your memory of what you have just read. 

    On the blank sheet, write down the main ideas in your own words. This helps reinforce your understanding and ensures you’re not just copying text verbatim.

  5. Use Headings and Subheadings: Organize your notes with headings and subheadings to structure the information logically. You may want to add a subheading that reads ” What I know So far” and another one that reads” Notes from the article”. These subheadings, and others, make your notes easier to review later.
  6. At the end of the sheet, add personal insights: Compare what you knew before reading the article and what you have learned now, after taking notes on the article. Include your own thoughts, questions, and reflections. This makes your notes more meaningful and helps you engage more deeply with the material.
  7. Review and Revise: After you’ve finished reading and taking notes, review your notes to ensure they accurately reflect the article’s content. Revise if necessary to improve clarity and completeness.

By following these steps, you’ll create a set of notes that not only captures the essential information from the article but also enhances your understanding and retention of the material.


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Academic Reading and Vocabulary Skills Copyright © by UW-Madison ESL Program; Alejandro Azocar; Heidi Evans; Andrea Poulos; and Becky Tarver Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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