32 Global Summary Writing



A Global Summary presents the only main ideas of the entire in an orderly and consistent fashion. You must write your summary according to the format given by your instructors and it must include the principles of academic summarizing. Make sure to understand these guidelines and write the summary accordingly. 

This global summary is worth 10% of your class grade. It is part of the “Summaries” group of classwork in ESL 116. For more information, check the “Assessment and Grading” section in the syllabus.


You will write two official drafts of the global summary. Both drafts will be graded, but at different percentages:

      • Draft 1 is worth 20% of the assignment grade.
      • Draft 2 is worth 80% of the assignment grade.

After you upload the first draft, you will meet with your instructor on Zoom for 20 minutes to discuss it. You will then revise the summary and upload a final draft.

Both drafts must be written in formal, academic English. See—> https://wisc.pb.unizin.org/esl116/chapter/academic-writing-tips/

Academic Misconduct

This summary, and the upcoming ones, must be written solely by you, using your own English. This means that: 

  1. You must not use AI to generate any main ideas to be included in the summary.

  2. You must not ask anybody to write this summary for you.

Receiving any help, including the use of translation or other pieces of language-generating software, is considered academic misconduct and is taken very seriously at UW-Madison. Discovery of academic misconduct will result in an automatic grade of F.

The only help you may get is from your instructor or from your classmates during in-class activities or Canvas discussion boards

Global Summary Requirements

  • Standard page size (8½ x 11 inches).
  • Typed, double-spaced (with no extra space between paragraphs).
  • 1-inch margins all around; tab in the first line of each new paragraph.
  • Align Left (not “Justify” format).
  • 12-point Times New Roman font (This means that a page of text should contain about 21 to 23 lines).
  • The pages must be numbered. Your summary will likely be between 500-600 words = 1.5 to 2 pages.


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Academic Reading and Vocabulary Skills Copyright © by UW-Madison ESL Program; Alejandro Azocar; Heidi Evans; Andrea Poulos; and Becky Tarver Chase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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