
Connect with Alumni & Professionals

Connecting with alumni and professionals in your field of interest can provide invaluable insights as you explore graduate school options. Here’s why:

  • Insider perspectives: Gain firsthand knowledge from individuals who completed graduate programs and launched their career.
  • Networking opportunities: Build professional relationships that can open doors to future opportunities.
  • Advice and mentorship: Seek guidance on the graduate school, career paths, and personal development.

The BEST resource for building connections = Career Conversations

Career Conversations:

  • is a non-credit Canvas module that takes about 30 minutes to complete and will help you learn more about the value of networking.
  • includes a fantastic video demonstration of how to find people on LinkedIn to connect with (can also be used to find current students in programs).
  • provides templates for reaching out to individuals to ask them for conversations.
  • includes a list of over 550 UW alumni who are ready to have one-on-one conversations with students like you about all things careers, including graduate school. 


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