
H5P activities list

This book includes 54 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
23Radiology of the AbdomenDialog Cards
24Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the PelvisDialog Cards
25Radiology of the PelvisDialog Cards
27Meninges images 1Image Hotspots
28Meninges images 2Image Hotspots
29Meninges images 3Image Hotspots
30Brain Cross SectionsDialog Cards
31Brain RadiologyDialog Cards
32Brainstem & CerebellumDialog Cards
33Bones of the Skull and FaceImage Slider
34Skull PassagewaysCourse Presentation
35Muscles of Facial ExpressionDialog Cards
36Oral CavityDialog Cards
37Nasal CavityDialog Cards
38PharynxDialog Cards
39LarynxDialog Cards
40OC-NC-L-P Plastinates and ModelDialog Cards
41Bones of LEImage Slider
42Lower Extremity RadiologyDialog Cards
43LE NeurovasculatureCourse Presentation
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