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Anatomy Lab Policies and Procedures
Elise C. Davis, PhD; Meghan Cotter, PhD; Sarah Traynor, PhD; and Kate Corbin, PhD
1. Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue Dissection / Intro Lab
Elise C. Davis, PhD
2. Dissection of the Heart & Great Vessels
3. Dissection of the Respiratory System & Superior Mediastinum
Kate Corbin, PhD; Elise C. Davis, PhD; and Meghan Cotter, PhD
4. Dissection of the Posterior Mediastinum
Meghan Cotter, PhD
5. Dissection of the Urinary System
Sarah Traynor, PhD and Meghan Cotter, PhD
6. Upper Digestive System (Prosection Lab)
Kate Corbin, PhD and Meghan Cotter, PhD
7. Dissection of the Organs and Mesenteries of the Digestive System
Elise C. Davis, PhD and Sarah Traynor, PhD
8. Dissection of the Neurovasculature of the Digestive System
9. Pelvis & Perineum (Prosection Lab)
10. Dissection of the Inguinal Region & Breast
Kate Corbin, PhD and Karen Krabbenhoft PhD
11. Pelvis & Perineum Workshop
12. Head and Neck Embryology Workshop
13. Inguinal Anatomy Mini-Workshop
Sarah Traynor, PhD; Kate Corbin, PhD; and Meghan Cotter, PhD
14. Dissection of Intrinsic Back Muscles, Spinal Cord and Meninges
15. Spinal Cord Pathways Workshop
Meghan Cotter, PhD and Elise C. Davis, PhD
16. Dissection of the Cranial Cavity
Kate Corbin, PhD and Elise C. Davis, PhD
17. Brain & Brainstem Prosection Lab
18. Dissection of the Orbit + Prosections of The Ear
Elise C. Davis, PhD and Meghan Cotter, PhD
19. Extraocular Muscles Workshop
20. Dissection of the Brachial Plexus, Shoulder, & Axilla
21. Dissection of the Forearm and Hand
Sarah Traynor, PhD and Elise C. Davis, PhD
22. Dissection of Hip and Thigh
23. Dissection of the Leg and Foot
24. Skeletal Muscle Analysis Workshop
Sarah Traynor, PhD and Kate Corbin, PhD
25. Dissection of the Root of the Neck and Superficial Neck
26. Dissection of the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Elise C. Davis, PhD and Karen Krabbenhoft PhD
27. Bisection of the Pelvis
28. Dissection of the Pelvis
29. Dissection of the Brain
30. Dissection of Superficial Face, Deep Neck, & Infratemporal Fossa
Elise C. Davis, PhD; Sarah Traynor, PhD; and Karen Krabbenhoft PhD
31. Dissection of Nasal Cavity and Pterygopalatine Fossa
Sarah Traynor, PhD; Karen Krabbenhoft PhD; and Kate Corbin, PhD
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Dissection of the Orbit + Prosections of The Ear Copyright © by Elise C. Davis, PhD and Meghan Cotter, PhD. All Rights Reserved.