Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 2.
Supplementary activities:
- Watch the video “Казахская невестка – келин. Традиция казахского народа” where an ethnographer, Daulet Zhailybayev, discusses the tradition of Kazakh daughters-in-law.
- Read the book “Blood Ties and the Native Son” by Aksana Ismailbekova, who was referenced in the lecture.
- Read this article “Как должны выглядеть отношения между невесткой и свекровью у казахов“:
- Read the article “Келин в казахской степи уважали и почитали – историк“, in which a Kazakh historian Saltanat Asanova writes about daughters-in-law in Kazakhstan.
- Learn more about ұят from a talk “Время пришло наполнить понятие “уят” актуальным содержанием” by a human rights activist Saule Mektepbayeva that she gave at TEDxAstanaWomen.
- Watch the video about daughters-in-law “ҰМАЙ. Келін в новой семье” and think how this view is different or similar to what you learned in this lesson.
- Read the article “Келин освобожденная – как казахские женщины борются с дискриминирующими обычаями” published in Forbes magazine.