
Lesson 1: Время и Астана после будущего

Beiterek - Astana - towerLesson Description:

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This is the first lesson based on an interview with Kazakh artist Aigerim Kapar. You will watch four video clips and complete exercises based on those clips. This lesson consists of the following sections: Введение, Артком и Арт-коллайдер, Время и Астана после будущего, Гранд Палас, Краткая история Севера, and Заключение.

You can find the Помощник and Словарь at the end of the lesson for easy reference, but they are also available in the lesson in places where you are most likely to need them.

What You Will Learn:

In this lesson, you will learn about the art activist Aigerim Kapar and about her platforms and projects. You will learn about Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, and an art exhibit with the city as its inspiration. You will explore some of the artwork that was at the exhibit. You will read some peoples’ opinions about феминитивы, learn about some Kazakh cultural artifacts, review phrases associated with question words “где” and “куда”, learn about the labor camp called АЛЖИР and the role that a Kazakh food played in its history. You will practice the relative pronoun который and become acquainted with artwork that includes the imagery of the hammer and sickle.

Learning Tips:

To navigate through the lesson linearly, click the red “Next” button in the bottom right whenever you are ready to move on to the next page. If you want to skip around in the lesson or access a Помощник, click “Contents” in the upper left and then the plus sign (+) to open the lesson, and then you can see the names of all of the pages in the lesson (Помощник pages are at the end of the lesson).

pages Number of pages: 19
clock Estimated completion time: 1 hour, 30 minutes