Голодомор в Украине
Раздел: Политические репрессии в Казахстане Страница: 2/19
Цель: Узнать о Голодоморе в Украине.
Задание: Используйте инфографику, чтобы решить, верны ли предложения, которые вы слышите.
Aigerim Kapar uses the term Голодомор in this clip. The word comes from the Ukrainian words hunger (голод) and death (мор), and most people know the word as referring to the famine that happened in Ukraine from 1932-1933 that killed an estimated 3.5-5 million people. The term, however, is also used to describe famine that occurred in other places in the Soviet Union around the same time, most notably Kazakhstan, but also parts of Russia. Read the infographic about the Голодомор in Ukraine and answer the questions about it.
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