

Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 1.

Supplementary activities:

  1. If you are interested in learning more about the GULAG system, you may want to complete the lessons based on an interview and documentary films with Marina Goldovskaya. Several of the lessons are based on a documentary film (“Власть соловецкая”) about the first labor camp in the Soviet Union.
  2. Choose another art piece from Aigerim Kapar’s art exhibit “Время и Астана после будущего”, which can be found at Art Hive. Many of the pages dedicated to the various pieces of art include audio files that explain the work. Report on one piece of artwork to your class.
  3. Create a “Гранд Палас” artwork with your classmates that represents your city, or create one individually about your home town or another place that is important to you. Explain to your classmates the meaning of the different parts of your artwork.
  4. Go to the А.Л.Ж.И.Р. museum’s website’s virtual tour and explore it more in depth. Report on it to your classmates.
  5. Go to one of Aigerim Kapar’s websites and explore it to learn more about her work and her collaborative projects. You could report on one of these projects to your class.
    Artcom: http://artcomplatform.com/
    Steppe Space: https://steppespace.org/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aigerimkapar/
  6. Learn more about the city of Astana using Wikipedia in Russian or other sources and report what you have learned to your class.
  7. Read this interview with Aigerim Kapar and report on it to your class.

Go to Lesson 2