Картина “Гранд Палас”
Раздел: Гранд Палас Страница: 13/20
Цель: Узнать о некоторых местах в Астане.
Задание: Посмотрите на роспись ковра и обратите внимание на названия мест, которые на нем написаны. Вы отметите, какие места можно найти на нем, а затем выполните задания, используя веб-сайты с картами.
Follow-up activity:
Use a map site (we suggest https://2gis.kz/ or https://yandex.com/maps) and look up some of the places on the палас or mentioned in the previous activity. Explore the photos and street view of the city and find an interesting place. Save a photo or screenshot of the place and be prepared to tell your classmates about it in a class session. The map sites also include reviews of various places. so read some of those that are in Russian and include that in your report.