Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 2.
Supplementary activities:
1. Read some or all of Sarah Cameron’s book about the famine in Kazakhstan and report on it to your class. You can find both English and Russian versions of the book:
The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan
Голодная степь: Голод, насилие и создание Советского Казахстана
2. Watch the short film by Досым Сатпаев called “Откочевники мёртвой степи” and report about it to your class.
3. Learn more about some of the labor camps that existed in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period and report about them to your class: АЛЖИР, Карлаг, Дальний, Степной, Песчаный, Камышлаг, Актюбинский, Джезказганлаг, Петропавловский, лагерь Кингир и Усть-Каменогорский
4. Watch the rest of the video “Почему мы говорим по-русски?” and report about it to your class.
Go to Lesson 3 (link)