
G3.13 Grievance Procedures

The Graduate Studies Committee handles academic grievances brought by graduate students in Spanish and Portuguese. Students are encouraged to discuss any grievances first, orally or in writing, with the individual or individuals most directly responsible. If no resolution results, students may address formal complaints to the director of graduate studies or, if the grievance involves the director, to the chair of the department. A subcommittee of three faculty will be constituted to consider the grievance. This committee will consist of the director (or the department chair), a faculty member chosen by the director or the department chair, and a faculty member chosen by the student bringing the grievance. If no resolution is found, the student may appeal to the Departmental Committee or the Executive Committee, as appropriate. For grievances related to sexual harassment or discrimination, students should contact the departmental representative, whose name is available from the graduate program assistant. See also the Graduate School’s online information about the grievance process: https://grad.wisc.edu/documents/grievances-and-appeals/.


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