
G7.7 PhD Minor

The doctoral candidate must present a minor in work done outside of Spanish. The minor should be in an area related to the major field of interest. Distributed minors, consisting of courses taken in more than one department and totaling a minimum of nine credits, must be approved by the advisor. Requirements for non-distributed minors are established by the respective department. Since the minor should complement the student’s major area of concentration, the student should arrange their program with the minor department as early as possible in the doctoral career. For a minor in Portuguese, the student should have a minimum of nine credits beyond Portuguese 301/302. Also, courses taken to fulfill the language requirement cannot count toward the minor in Portuguese (see Language Requirements above). Similarly, courses taken for a minor in Educational Psychology, Curriculum & Instruction or Second Language Acquisition cannot also be counted as Research Design courses. Individual advisors should not sign off on the minor in Portuguese. Students must meet with the director of graduate studies for approval and signature. Students shall then provide a copy of the signed form to the graduate coordinator and keep the original. Portuguese 311 and 312 are acceptable toward satisfying the PhD minor credit requirement in Portuguese.


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