
G8.2 Areas of Specialization

The Portuguese and Spanish PhD program in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers the following areas of study:

  1. Portuguese Literature
  2. BrazilianLiterature
  3. African Literature in Portuguese
  4. Hispanic Literature or Linguistics

In the doctoral program the student selects a major, which is the area of specialization; the student is expected to have a thorough knowledge of the currents, primary works and critical bibliography pertaining to it. The student is expected to know the most significant writers and works as well as the most important currents and developments in the supporting fields.

Additionally, the student must have a good knowledge of critical bibliography. The program of studies leading toward the PhD in this department provides multiple opportunities for the development of analytical skills and integrated with those skills, an extensive knowledge of theoretical issues. The selection of the major and supporting fields is made by the beginning of the second semester of doctoral studies. Any subsequent change should be recorded promptly in the departmental office.


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