
G9.5 End of Semester Teaching Evaluations

Student evaluations of teaching are administered every semester electronically through HelioCampus, UW-Madison’s cloud-based Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback & Intervention System. Each student in a Spanish or Portuguese course will receive an email from the UW-Madison Learning Assessment Team (LAT) before the last two weeks of classes each fall and spring semester. The email will contain a link to the section’s online evaluation. Students will receive a reminder email every three days until they complete the evaluation or until the end of the evaluation period.

Students may complete their online evaluations outside of class; however, to obtain the highest response rate, the department strongly encourages TAs to proceed as follows.

  • TAs should select a class day to complete the online evaluation, if one is not already set by their course coordinators. TAs should plan on spending fifteen minutes having students complete the evaluation in class. TAs should announce the evaluation date to the class in advance, preferably multiple times.
  • When making the announcement, TAs should ask their students to bring a smart device (laptop, phone, tablet, etc.) to class on the day of the evaluation. TAs should remind their students that they may check out a device from any campus InfoLab.
  • On the class day, TAs should ask students to turn on their devices, open the LAT email invitation, and click on the link provided.
  • From there, the students will log in to the evaluation site with their Wisc NetID and password.
  • TAs must leave the room while their students complete the evaluation.

The day after grades are due, TAs will receive an email from LAT containing an invitation link to view their student evaluations. After clicking on the link, the TAs can log into the site using their Wisc NetIDs and passwords. The TAs’ personal dashboards will allow them to view the results from all the online evaluations they have administered, including those from past semesters, including all comments and scores for individual questions. To view results from any previous online evaluations any time, TAs may visit the HelioCampus web site: https://heliocampusac.wisc.edu/.

The personal HelioCampus dashboard will display a line for each evaluated course that an instructor has taught. The mean evaluation score for each course can also be found in an instructor’s personal HelioCampus dashboard.


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