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University of Wisconsin - Department of Spanish & Portuguese - Graduate Program Handbook
G1.1 Graduate Program Mission Statement
G1.2 Program Statistics
G2.1 Criteria for Admission to the Graduate Programs
G2.2 Required Documentation for MA and PhD Applications
G2.3 Application Deadlines
G2.4 Admission from the MA into the PhD Program in Spanish
G2.5 Admission from the MA into the PhD Program in Portuguese & Spanish
G2.6 Graduate Enrollment
G2.7 Deferral of Enrollment for Teach for America Participants
G2.8 Proficiency in Oral and Written Spanish or Portuguese
G2.9 Course Registration for Incoming Students
G3.1 MA and PhD Credit Requirements
G3.2 Minimum Credit Load for Residency and the Two-Course Rule
G3.3 Time Limits for Completion of Requirements
G3.4 Transfer Credits
G3.5 Independent Readings
G3.6 Minimum Graduate GPA and Probation
G3.7 Incompletes
G3.8 Graduate Advising
G3.9 PhD Preliminary Examinations
G3.10 Recommendations for Dissertators
G3.11 PhD Oral Defense
G3.12 Travel Support for Graduate Students
G3.13 Academic Appeal Procedures
G3.14 Conduct Expectations and Disciplinary Actions
G3.15 Funding and Financial Information
G3.16 Miscellaneous Information for New and International Students
G3.17 Annual Written Assessment on Progress to Degree
G4.1 Learning Outcomes for MA in Spanish
G4.2 Area Distribution and Course Requirements
G4.3 MA Portfolio
G5.1 Learning Outcomes for the MA in Portuguese and Spanish
1. G5.2 Admission and Advising
G5.3 Course Requirements
G5.4 Curricular Areas
2. G5.5 MA Portfolio
3. G6.1 Learning Outcomes for the PhD in Spanish Literature
4. G6.2 Areas of Specialization
5. G6.3 Course Requirements
6. G6.4 Language Requirements
7. G6.5 Teaching Requirement
8. G6.6 Residency Requirement
9. G6.7 PhD Minor
10. G6.8 Preliminary Examination
11. G6.9 The Doctoral Dissertation
12. G6.10 Preliminary Examination
13. G6.11 The Doctoral Dissertation
14. G7.1 Learning Outcomes for the PhD in Spanish Linguistics
15. G7.2 Areas of Specialization
16. G7.3 Course Requirements
17. G7.4 Language Requirements
G7.5 Teaching Requirement
G7.6 Residency Requirement
G7.7 PhD Minor
G7.8 Transfer Credits
G7.9 Satisfactory Progress
G7.10 Preliminary Examination
G7.11 The Doctoral Dissertation
G8.1 Learning Outcomes for the PhD in Portuguese and Spanish
G8.2 Areas of Specialization
G8.3 Course Requirements
G8.4 Language Requirements
G8.5 Teaching Requirement
G8.6 Residency Requirement
G8.7 PhD Minor
G8.8 Transfer Credits
G8.9 Satisfactory Progress
G8.10 Preliminary Examination
G8.11 The Doctoral Dissertation
G9.1 Welcome Week
G9.2 Coordinator Visits
G9.3 Absense Policy
G9.4 TA Travel for Academic Purposes
G9.5 End of Semester Teaching Evaluations
G9.6 TA Evaluation Procedure
G9.7 TA Leaves of Absence for One Semester or More
G9.8 Guidelines for TA Course Assignments in the Language Programs
G9.9 Section Assignments for Spanish 226
G9.10 Guidelines for Lecturer Class Assignments in Spanish 311 and Above
Advisor Consent to Enroll
Independent Reading Form
Graduate Student Travel Grant Form
Spanish PhD Requirements Checklist
PhD Minor in Spanish or Portuguese
Standard Student Course Evaluation Form
Semester Evaluation of TA by Course Coordinator
Course Coordinator Evaluation by TA
Non-Coordinator Faculty Class Visit
TA Evaluation by Course Coordinator Form
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UW-Madison Department of Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Program Handbook Copyright © by mszimmer. All Rights Reserved.