5 September 28 – Short Essay 1 Prep

The focus of Tuesday’s class will be to discuss Short Essay 1 with classmates to get feedback and help you as you enter the final stages of the assignment. To prep for class, complete the Homework 3 by the start of Tuesday’s class. Before doing the prep sheet, be sure to carefully read and think about the prompt for Short Essay 1.  I assign the reading and videos above to give you some ideas for what you can keep an eye out for. Don’t feel the need to delve into the same level of detail that the YouTube analysts go into with Citizen Kane and Bicycle Thieves. Also, it’s absolutely not necessary (and actually not a good idea) to attempt to work through all the points and questions raised in the Gocsik excerpt. You might just pick out a small number of ideas that help you think about and engage with your scene.


The Koreas, Fall 2021 Copyright © by ckim45. All Rights Reserved.

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