H5P activities list

This book includes 45 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
32VintageImage Slider
33AmphitriteImage Slider
34SamuelEliImage Slider
35SnuffTaker1Image Hotspots
36SnuffTaker2Image Hotspots
37SnuffTaker3Image Hotspots
38MedievalRevelryImage Slider
39JollyToperImage Slider
40TobyPhilpotImage Slider
42MonkeyJug1Image Hotspots
43MonkeyJug2Image Hotspots
44MonkeyJug3Image Hotspots
45BlueFloralPatternImage Slider
46LilyValleyFind the Hotspot
47ChrysantheumFind the Hotspot
48HopsFind the Hotspot
49SocietyArtsPrizeJugFind the Hotspot
50WedgwoodImage Slider
51PortlandVaseImage Slider
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