
H5P activities list

This book includes 38 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
4A Review of Basic GreetingsSingle Choice Set
5Review of Basic Greeting - Cultural normsMultiple Choice
6Iṣẹ́-ṣíṣe 2Summary
7Greeting: CongratulatoryMultiple Choice
8Iṣé-ṣíṣe 3Mark the Words
9Iṣẹ-ṣíṣe 4Fill in the Blanks
11Physical appearance 1Essay
12In the MarketFlashcards
13Market VocabularyDialog Cards
14Flash card for market vocabularyFlashcards
15Buyers initiating conversation with sellersInteractive Video
16Buyers initiating conversation with sellersInteractive Video
17Buyers initiating conversation with seller (1)Interactive Video
18Buyers initiating conversation with seller (2)Interactive Video
19Vocabulary for transportationFlashcards
21Testing Listening: TransportationQuestion Set
22Transportation: verb-noun collocationQuestion Set
24Speaking: How I get around?Audio Recorder
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