
A-3. Models implemented in this book

In Part I. Introduction

I-3. Introduction to agent-based modeling

I-5. The fundamentals of NetLogo

In Part II. Our first agent-based evolutionary model

II-1. Our very first model

II-2. Extension to any number of strategies

II-3. Noise and initial conditions

II-4. Interactivity and efficiency

In Part III. Spatial interactions on a grid

III-1. Spatial chaos in the Prisoner’s Dilemma

III-2. Robustness and fragility

III-3. Extension to any number of strategies

III-4. Other types of neighborhoods and other decision rules

In Part IV. Games on networks

IV-1. The nxn game on a random network

IV-2. Different types of network

IV-3. Implementing network metrics

IV-4. Other ways of computing payoffs and other decision rules

In Part V. Agent-based models vs ODE models

V-2. A rather general model for games played in well-mixed populations

V-3. Mean Dynamics


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Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics Copyright © 2024 by Luis R. Izquierdo, Segismundo S. Izquierdo & William H. Sandholm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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