Lab 8 PreLab Assignments

PreLab Assignment 

Complete in your notebook (part of the lab performance score). Note that you will need to review the lab protocol in detail in order to complete both this assignment and the quiz.

  • What will you be doing in the lab and why?
  • What should you end up with at the end of the lab period? Where will it be located?
  • Write down an outline of the lab procedure; bullet points, tables and figures are fine.

PreLab Quiz 

You can take the quiz in Canvas here.

The quiz questions are also listed below for your convenience:

  • Question 1 MC: Which of the following DNA you are extracting in this lab?
    • T7 Phage genomic DNA only
    • T7 Phage genomic DNA in the pRS315 vector (the vector we used for assembly in previous labs)
    • pRS315 vector only with no T7 phage genome
  • Question 2 MC: In the next lab, you will procure the phage particles from
    • The transformed bacterial cells
    • The media used to culture the transformed bacterial cells
    • Neither


Engineering Bacteriophage Laboratory Copyright © 2023 by Erica Shu. All Rights Reserved.

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