Mini Lab Report 1

Reports must be typed and submitted to Canvas by the start of your next lab. Lab notes are not part of the mini lab reports and should not be submitted.

This mini lab report should include methods and results sections for experiments in labs 2-4.

This report (and all future reports) should be completed in a group of two.

Methods Section:

  • Report methods used in the PCR reactions and the content of the agarose gel in lab 2, DNA gel electrophoresis and purification in lab 3 and measuring DNA concentration in lab 4.
  • Be sure to include:
    • Purpose statement/ brief summary of each experiment
    • Cite the lab manual or other sources you use
    • How reaction was assembled in PCR, including what DNAs were used, what primers were used and what enzyme was used. Primer information can be found in the Appendix.
    • Gel electrophoresis: how the gel was made; what was the % of the gel; how you visualized the DNA
    • How DNA was purified
    • How DNA concentration and purify were measured

Results Section:

  • Report results of the PCR reaction, gel image and DNA concentration
  • Be sure to include:
    • Purpose statement/ brief summary of each experiment
    • Gel picture of the PCRs: label each lane; highlight important lanes if preferred; label most if not all of the size markers. Include a figure legend in all figures.
      • Figure legend: a figure number; a short, informative title in bold; what is in each lane; explain the highlight; DO NOT interpret the figure in the figure legend
    • If you did not get any PCR products, you should still show and label your gel
    • The text describes the PCR products:
      • What reactions yielded products
      • The size of the products and whether those match the expected size
      • Any other observations you have about the appearance of the products
      • The concentration and purity of the purified DNA
    • The concentrations and purity of the purified DNA in a table format (note that, like figures, tables should have a legend. Similarly, like figures, you need to explain your table in the Result section).


Engineering Bacteriophage Laboratory Copyright © 2023 by Erica Shu. All Rights Reserved.

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