Course Description:

This course integrates biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, and basic laboratory techniques administered to students through a bacteriophage genomic research project.

Lab Manual:

This lab manual contains detailed descriptions of each laboratory experiment in this course. Please see the course Canvas site for other course information, such as a syllabus, schedule, assignment guidelines, and lecture materials.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. demonstrate competencies in basic molecular biology laboratory techniques.
  2. acquire good laboratory habits, including but not limited to keeping laboratory records, following laboratory safety standards, working collaboratively, and maintaining a clean working environment.
  3. perform experiments to address a hypothesis and collect sound scientific data
  4. learn to interpret laboratory results
  5. communicate scientific ideas and results verbally and in written form effectively.



Engineering Bacteriophage Laboratory Copyright © 2023 by Erica Shu. All Rights Reserved.

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