
Грамматика: один из + genitive

In the texts below, you will encounter variations of the phrase “один из”, which means “one of”. Один agrees in gender with the type of thing that it is being compared to. Note that the phrase after “из” is in the genitive plural.

Ташкент – один из самых интересных городов Центральной Азии. Tashkent is one of the most interesting cities of Central Asia.

один is masculine because it agrees with город.

«Вольный аул» Инны Кажешевой – одна из моих любимых книг. Inna Kazhesheva’s “Free Village” is one of my favorite books.

одна is feminine because it agrees with книга.

Мечеть «Кул-Шариф» – одно из самых красивых зданий в Казани. The Kul Sharif mosque is one of the most beautiful buildings in Kazan.

одно is neuter because it agrees with здание.

Вы одни из первых, кто понял подробности этой ситуации. You are some of the first people who understood the details of this situation.

одни is plural because it agrees with вы.

Один may also be in various cases depending on the grammar of the sentence.

Загрязнённый воздух становится одной из главных проблем нашего города. Polluted air is becoming one of the main problems of our city.

одной is in instrumental because of the verb становиться.

Сейчас мы подъезжаем к одному из самых красивых видов нашей экскурсии. Now we are approaching one of the most beautiful views of our tour.

одному is dative because of the preposition к.

Я знаю одну из его песен. I know one of his songs.

одну is accusative because it is the direct object of the sentence.

You can find the forms of один here:

Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative один одна одно одни
Genitive одного одной одного одних
Dative одному одной одному одним
Accusative один / одного одну одно одни / одних
Instrumental одним одной одним одними
Prepositional одном одной одном одних

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Each of the regions that we are learning about has a full and rich history, and we don’t have the space to go into all of it here. We hope that this chapter is an invitation to you to learn more about the history of these places as well as all of the others in the Russian Federation. We did, though, pick out one interesting historical event for each place, and in this activity you can choose to learn about one, two, or all three of them, according to your interest and your instructor’s directions.

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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.