Татарские традиции: Никах

Упражнение 24. Синонимы.

Each word or phrase below has a word or phrase on the right that is a synonym or closely related to it. Match the words and phrases. If you need help, use the Лексика below.

Давайте почитаем! Никах.

Read the information about this Tatar tradition. Note that some of the words in the preceding exercise appear in the text, so you can refer back to it as you are reading.

Watch part of the никах ceremony in this video:

Давайте поговорим! Поговорите с партнёром.

1. Какие свадебные традиции или ритуалы есть в вашей культуре?
2. Как должен быть одет жених?
3. Как должна быть одета невеста?
4. Кто приходит в гости?
5. Что обычно едят и пьют?

Cultural note:

Same-sex marriage remains illegal in Russia. Since Russian has so many terms that are gendered (like words related to marriage), as well as gendered grammar, people have begun to try to work out how to talk about topics like same-sex marriage and gender identity in Russian. Chapter 6 about the United States has more information on this topic.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.