Свобода и независимость

Knowing the roots of words helps in understanding the meaning of new or unfamiliar words. Many Russian words are derived from a common root, so recognizing the root can provide clues to the word’s meaning, making it easier to understand texts and conversations. In Russian, the word “root” is “корень,” and words that are derived from the same root are referred to as “однокоренные слова.”

Свобода: однокоренные слова

The word “свобода” in Russian translates to “freedom” or “liberty.” The root “свобод-” serves as the foundation for creating various related words, all of which pertain to concepts of freedom and autonomy. Here are a few examples:

Свободный: free, unrestricted
Свободно: freely, fluently
Освобождение: liberation, release
Освободить: to free, to liberate
Свободомыслящий: free-thinking
Свободолюбивый: freedom-loving

Упражнение 7. Найдите слова, которые подходят по контексту. 

Select words that fit each sentence both logically and grammatically by dragging them into the correct spaces.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте пропущенные слова, которые подходят по контексту.

Fill in the missing words in the correct forms. Choose the words that fit the context of each sentence. 

Независимость: однокоренные слова

The Russian word “независимость” translates to “independence” in English. The root “завис” means “depend” and serves as the basis for various related words, all of which pertain to concepts of dependence or independence. Here are a few examples:

Зависеть: to depend
Зависимый: dependent
Зависимость: dependence
Независимость: independence
Независимый: independent

Note: The preposition “от” (from) + noun in the genitive case is often used after these words to indicate dependency on something or independence from something.

  • Это зависит от ситуации. – It depends on the situation.
  • Индия получила независимость от Великобритании в 1947 году. – India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947.

In Russian, the expression “it depends” is typically used in complete sentences, reflecting specific conditions, such as “это зависит от ситуации” or “это зависит от погоды” (it depends on the weather).

Упражнение 9. Найдите слова, которые подходят по контексту. 

Select words that fit each sentence both logically and grammatically by dragging them into the correct spaces.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте пропущенные слова, которые подходят по контексту.

Fill in the missing words in the correct forms. Choose the words that fit the context of each sentence. 



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.