Teachers Manual – Урок 6: Соединённые Штаты Америки

Find some advice for teachers about the United States chapter on this page, organized by page of the lesson. Click the plus signs to open them.

You can also find some materials for use in the classroom in our Diverse Russian – United States Google folder. We also hope that if you have materials related to the book’s content that you are willing to share, that you will upload them to the “Sharing materials from users” folder as well.

General guidance and resources

Depending on your students’ level, you might want to spend 4-6 class periods on the chapter about the United States, though the material could also be used a little at a time if it is supplementing another intermediate textbook. However, if you only have a short time to spend, you could either focus on more general information about the United States (the first 4 pages of the lesson), or focus on the part of the lesson about family history and immigration. Or you could skip certain pages to shorten the lesson for your own needs. Pages that can easily be skipped: Голда Меир, Алик Сахаров, Иммигранты о работе в Америке, Школы родного языка в США, Армянская община в США, Украинская деревня в Чикаго, Аляска, Русский язык на Аляске.


Quizlet sets – main vocabulary list

Quizlet sets – complete vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Docs – main vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Sheets – complete vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Docs – complete vocabulary list

Speaking activities collected in one Google Doc

Texts collected in one Google Doc

Diverse Russian – the United States Google folder (materials that can be used in class)

Страница: Языки в Соединённых Штатах Америки

Some of the activities on this page ask students to guess things that they do not necessarily know, so they should be encouraged to try more than once if they don’t get it right the first time.

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Языки в США page.

Страница: Русскоязычная община: основные факты

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Русскоязычная община.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Америка по-русски

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Audio files were provided for states that have pronunciations that differ significantly from English.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: “Русские” в США

Давайте послушаем!

The transcript of the audio file on this page can be found on the USA all texts page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Семейная история и иммиграция: слова, которые вы, наверное, уже знаете

There is a printable version of the vocabulary list in the Google folder.

The family part of the vocabulary list focuses more on grandparents and grandchildren. If you think your students would need review of other family vocabulary, you may want to add it to your version of the vocabulary list.

Страница: Семейная история и иммиграция: новые слова

Note that this page includes vocabulary about same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ community.

There is a printable version of the vocabulary list in the Google folder.

The “i” buttons that appear in the activity contain hints that students can use for help in getting the correct answer.

Страница: Волны иммиграции

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Волны иммиграции page.

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You could have your students learn about other members of each of the waves of immigration

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Голда Меир

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Голда Меир page.

Упражнение 22

Note that there are two versions of this activity – one in English and one in Russian. You could tell your students which one to complete, or ask them to do both of them.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Алик Сахаров

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Алик Сахаров page.

Упражнение 24

A printable version of the отзывы in this exercise can be found in the Google doc for the Алик Сахаров Отзывы page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Follow-up activity

If you would like your students to write reviews, you can use this Google doc version of the Отзывы activity.

Страница: Русскоязычные общины в Нью-Йорке

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Русскоязычные общины в Нью-Йорке page.

Упражнение 25

Note that there are two versions of this activity – one in English and one in Russian. You could tell your students which one to complete, or ask them to do both of them.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Follow-up activity

You may want to help your students figure out where the closest “Russian” store is to you. You could also have students look up “Russian” stores in different parts of the United States and compare them.

Страница: Даёшь толерантный Брайтон!

Note that this page includes a video and activities related to the LGBTQ community.

A transcript of the video can be found on the USA all texts page.

Страница: Ресторан “Русский самовар”

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Ресторан “Русский самовар” page.

Давайте послушаем!

A transcript of the video clip on this page can be found on the USA all texts page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Иммигранты о жизни в Америке

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Note that these particular videos have captions that appear on the video. You can find transcripts on the USA all texts page or separately in a Google doc for the Иммигранты о жизни в Америке page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Иммигранты о работе в Америке: Руфат Исмаил-Заде

Давайте послушаем!

You can find transcripts of the clips on the USA all texts page.

Страница: Школы родного языка в США

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Школы родного языка в США page.

Упражнение 31

Note that there are two versions of this activity – one in English and one in Russian. You could tell your students which one to complete, or ask them to do both of them.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Армянская община в США

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Армянская община в США page.

Follow-up activity

You may want to help your students identify the closest Russian cultural center to you.

Страница: Украинская деревня в Чикаго

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Украинская деревня в Чикаго page.

Давайте послушаем!

A transcript of the video clip on this page can be found on the USA all texts page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Аляска

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Аляска page.

Страница: Русский язык на Аляске

Давайте почитаем!

A printable version of the short text on this page can be found on the USA all texts page or separately in a printable Google doc for the Русский язык на Аляске page.

Давайте послушаем!

A transcript of the video clip on this page can be found on the USA all texts page.

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: История вашей семьи

Давайте поговорим!

Printable versions of the speaking prompts for the chapter can be found in the Google folder.

Страница: Поиграем: что вы помните о русскоязычных общинах США?

You could have your students play as a whole class or in teams, or individually as homework.

Страница: Истории иммигрантов

This page features a Padlet that invites students to interview someone about immigrating to the United States. It also asks them to make a brief post in writing about it. This Padlet is public, and anyone can post on it, and the authors of the textbook are doing their best to monitor it and make sure there are no inappropriate posts, but if you see anything that needs to be removed, please contact us at diverserussian@gmail.com to let us know. The activity prompts students that if they want, they can post on the Padlet anonymously. You should take this into consideration as you give them this assignment, so that they know how to let you know which post is theirs if it is posted anonymously. You might have them copy and paste the same text into your course management system in order to turn it in to you.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.