Ярмарка в Вильнюсе: Казюкас

Sometimes people travel in order to attend events. Here and on the next couple of pages you will learn a little about events that took place in the Baltics. On this page you will learn about a ярмарка, which is a fair.

Грамматика: Genitive case of numbers – the hundreds

When the grammar requires it, numbers are in the genitive case. Prepositions and quantity words like с (from), до (until), около (around), больше / более (more), меньше / менее (less) are often used with numbers. In this exercise we will focus on the genitive case of the hundreds. In the table below, you see the numeral, then the nominative case form, and then the genitive case form.

  100 200 300 400 500
Nominative сто двести триста четыреста пятьсот
Genitive ста двухсот трёхсот четырёхсот пятисот
  600 700 800 900
Nominative шестьсот семьсот восемьсот девятьсот
Genitive шестисот семисот восьмисот девятисот

An interesting thing, however, is that numbers are a grammatical topic that native speakers tend to make mistakes with, and you will hear a common mistake with numbers in the video. Complete the exercise below to practice numbers and to learn about the common mistake made with these numbers.

Упражнение 26. 

Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with the number that you hear. Some of these clips are from the video that you will watch.

Упражнение 27. Корни.

Match the words with their meanings, using the hints if you need them. These words will be used in the clip.

Упражнение 28. Казюкас.

Familiarize yourself with a few cultural concepts using these flash cards. These concepts will appear in the video that you will watch below.

Давайте послушаем!

Упражнение 29. Ответьте на вопросы.

Answer the questions based on the video.

Давайте поговорим! Поговорите с партнёром:

  1. Юлия говорит, что ей не очень нравится ходить на такие ярмарки. Почему ей не нравится? Вам нравится ходить на ярмарки или базары? Почему или почему нет?
  2. Вы любите шопинг? Почему или почему нет? Какие у вас любимые магазины?
  3. Что вы любите покупать, когда вы на ярмарке или в магазине?

Follow-up activity:

Look at an album of photographs from the fair: Kaziuko mugė album. You and your partners could describe the photographs to each other.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.