Урок 5: Сакартвело (Грузия)

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About the lesson

In this lesson, you will be introduced to the country of Georgia  and will focus on the topic of food and hospitality.

In this lesson, you will:

  • Learn about Georgia’s history, geography, language, ethnic composition, religions, and folklore.
  • Discover interesting facts about Georgia.
  • Read about Georgian traditions of hospitality, polyphonic singing, winemaking, and toasting.
  • Watch videos featuring Georgian journalists exploring important elements of Georgian history, customs, and identity.
  • Read about notable Georgian cultural figures.
  • Listen to traditional Georgian songs and songs in Russian performed by artists of Georgian heritage.
  • Review essential vocabulary for discussing topics like population numbers and historical eras.
  • Learn and practice vocabulary related to food and hospitality, covering traditional dishes, their ingredients, cooking techniques, and expressions for gatherings and celebrations.
  • Review and practice grammatical structures commonly used in discussions about food and hospitality, such as the instrumental case, imperatives, and the conjunction чтобы.
  • Explore Georgian cuisine and master the preparation of a traditional dish.
  • Investigate dishes from Russian-speaking countries and share your discoveries with fellow students.
  • Participate in voting with other students to choose your favorite dishes.

Acknowledging Georgia as Сакартвело and Грузия

We acknowledge and respect that in Georgia, the preferred name for the country is ‘საქართველო’ (Sakartvelo/Сакартвело). However, it is important to recognize that in Russian, the name Грузия is still widely used, including by Georgians themselves in various contexts. In this book, we will use both terms to facilitate broader communication, while simultaneously understanding and respecting the cultural preferences of the majority of  the Georgian people. This dual approach is intended to acknowledge the linguistic and cultural nuances surrounding the country’s name. As part of our exploration, we will also engage with relevant videos and discussions on this issue to provide a more comprehensive perspective.

Lesson links

You can always use the table of contents on the left side of the screen to jump to various pages in the lesson. These are pages that you might want to revisit as you progress through the lesson:

Кухня и гостеприимство: Слова, которые вы наверное уже знаете
Кухня и гостеприимство: Новые слова
Кухня и гостеприимство: Грамматика
Давайте поговорим!

You can also find Quizlet sets based on the main vocabulary of the chapter that you can practice with if you want to or if your instructor asks you to.


Lesson main author: Anna Tumarkin

Lesson contributing authors: Shannon Quinn, John Lyell


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.