Иммигранты о работе в Америке: Руфат Исмаил-Заде

Упражнение 32. Однокоренные слова.

In this exercise, you will learn vocabulary related to art and design by examining word roots. Match each Russian word with its correct English definition.

Давайте послушаем! Интервью с Руфатом Исмаил-Заде.

In this video, you will watch an interview with an artist who immigrated from the former Soviet Union.  Тhe video is divided into 6 clips. You can use the buttons on the left to jump to various clips or listen to clips again. There are buttons on the right in which you can find vocabulary to help you understand the clips. Underneath the video are exercises that you should complete as you watch the video. You may want to read each exercise before you begin watching the corresponding clip.



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.