Other optional activities

On this page are some additional resources with suggested activities that teachers and learners might find useful to use in connection with this chapter. Click on the links below to skip to a particular activity.

Как научиться танцевать

Школьники спрашивают о танцах

Мода и экология

Мода в Грузии

Неделя моды

Биография: Инна Кашежева

Биография: Жамбал-Доржи Гомбоев

Биография: Чулпан Хаматова

Как научиться танцевать

Watch this video in which the host teaches you some simple dance steps that you can use at any party. Analyze the language that he uses to teach it, and learn a few key phrases so that you can teach your classmates one of the steps. Looking at the transcript of the video may help you (under the description of the video, click “Show transcript” to see it).

Школьники спрашивают о танцах

In this video, children give information about dancing and ask people on the street about their opinions about dancing. Summarize what you learned from the video.

Мода в Грузии

Read one of these articles about the fashion industry in Georgia (Sakartvelo) and then report about it back to your class.

Мода – новая религия Грузии

Грузинский дизайнер Демна Гвасалия

How Tbilisi’s fashion scene defies old rules (English)

Мода и экология

Read one of these infographics about clothing and the environment and then report about it back to your group.

Инфографика 1

Инфографика 2

Инфографика 3

Неделя моды

Find an article or a video about a fashion festival in a Russian-speaking place (you might search “неделя моды” and then the name of the place). Report on what you learned about the festival to your class.

Биография: Инна Кашежева

Read the biography of this Kabardin writer.

Биография: Жамбал-Доржи Гомбоев

Read the biography of this Buryat religious leader.

Биография: Чулпан Хаматова

Read the biography of this Tatar actress.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.