Казахские народные песни

On this page you will learn about some Kazakh folk songs. Note that while “folk song” in English can mean even songs written by living people, “народная песня” refers to traditional songs that usually have unknown authors.

Упражнение 29. Казахские народные песни.

Listen to the audio commentary that gives information about 4 Kazakh folk songs, read the Russian translations of the lyrics if you would like to, and watch the clips of the folk songs. Then answer the questions about them.

Давайте поговорим! Поговорите с партнёром.

  1. Какие народные песни вы знали в детстве?
  2. Вам нравятся такие песни, или нет? Почему или почему нет?
  3. Где или когда поют народные песни в вашей стране?

Рахимжан, Наргиз: https://www.zakon.kz/kultura-shoubiz/6007455-narodnye-pesni-istorii-sozdaniia-izvestnykh-kazakhskikh-kompozitsii.html


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.