Путешествие по городам стран Балтии

Давайте послушаем! Путешествие по городам стран Балтии.

Explore this interactive map that highlights several cities in each of the Baltic countries. Because of the shape of the map, we recommend that you open it in full screen mode (use the two arrows on the top right).

When you click on each city name, you can see a map of the city (you can open a bigger version in another tab if you would like), some photographs of the city, and a video blog that introduces you to the city. Sample the videos of at least 4 of the cities on the map to prepare for the activity below, in which you will decide which of these cities you would most like to visit. You do not have to watch the whole videos, but watch enough to get a sense of what the city looks like.

Давайте поговорим! Поедем в город.

After exploring the cities in the map above, you will now work with your partners to research potential trips. 

А. Use Omio.ru or other websites to find out how you can get from one place to another from some of the Baltic cities, how much it costs, and how long it takes. You can use the verb длиться (to last) to talk about how long a trip takes.

For example, look at this information from the Omio website and then talk about the information that you found out.

– Билет на автобус из Таллинна в Вильнюс стоит 17 евро и рейс длится 8 часов.
– А билет на самолёт стоит 116 евро и рейс длится 1 час.

screenshot of information about tickets from Tallinn to Vilnius: автобусы, 17 евро, 8 часов, самолеты 116 евро, 1 час

Open image in a new tab

Б. Then, decide which two cities you would most like to visit (Таллинн, Тарту, Нарва, Рига, Даугавпилс, Лиепая, Вильнюс, Каунас).

– Я хочу поехать в ________________ и ________________, потому что ___________________.

Follow-up activity:

Choose one of the videos of the cities above to watch in full and then report about it to your classmates.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.