Путешествия: грамматика

Let’s review some of the grammar constructions that you are likely to use when talking about travel.

Где? / Куда?

Грамматика: Где? Куда?

Remember that Russian makes an important distinction between talking about where (in what place) vs. where (towards what place).

Where? Где? – In what place Куда? – Towards what place

в / на + prepositional

Они работают в офисе. – They work in an office.
Завтра он будет на работе. – Tomorrow he will be at work.


в / на + accusative

Я иду в офис. – I am going to the office.
Мы каждый день ходим на работу. – Every day we go to work.


у + genitive (у кого?)

Вчера вечером сестра была у бабушки. – Yesterday my sister was at Grandma’s [house].


к + dative (к кому?)

Хочешь поехать к отцу в субботу? – Do you want to go to Dad’s [house] on Saturday?

Here здесь, тут сюда
There там туда
Home дома, в доме домой, в дом

Упражнения 16А и 16Б. Где? или Куда?

Complete the exercises on Где? vs. Куда?.

Глаголы движения: Verbs of motion

Грамматика: Глаголы движения

Verbs of motion is a big grammar topic, and we are not going to try to tackle it all. Instead, we will focus on the constructions you are most likely to need when talking about travel.

Past Present Future

In talking about a trip in the past tense, you are most likely to use multidirectional verbs.

  • Вчера мы ходили на концерт. – Yesterday we went to a concert.
  • В прошлом году моя семья ездила в Грузию. – Last year my family went to Georgia.
  • В апреле я летал в Вильнюс. – In April I flew to Vilnius.

In talking about where you are going right now, you are most likely to use unidirectional verbs.

  • Мы с братом идём на выставку. – My brother and I are going to an exhibit.
  • Я сейчас еду в Таллинн. – I’m going to Tallinn.
  • Он летит в командировку. – He is flying on a business trip.

In talking about where you are planning to go in the future, you are most likely to use perfective verbs.

  • На следующей неделе в среду мы пойдём на банкет. – On Wednesday next week we will go to a banquet.
  • В августе мои родители поедут в Нью-Йорк. – In August my parents will go to New York.
  • Через месяц я полечу на море. – In a month I will fly to the sea.

Упражнение 17. Глаголы движения.

Use the guidelines above to fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs of motion.

На чём – Mode of transport

Грамматика: На чём – Mode of transport

When talking about using various types of transportation, you can use на + prepositional case to say what mode of transport you are using.

Я езжу на работу на автобусе. – I go to work by bus.
Мы ездили в Лондон на самолёте. – We went to London by plane.

Упражнение 18. На чём?

This exercise combines your knowledge of Где?/Куда?, verbs of motion, and mode of transport.

Сколько времени / На сколько времени – How long something takes vs. For how long

Грамматика: Сколько времени / На сколько времени – How long something takes vs. For how long

When talking about how long something takes or how long something lasts, use the time expression in the accusative case (but remember to use genitive when needed based on the quantity or number).

Мы летели в Азербайджан 3 часа. – We were flying to Azerbaijan for 3 hours (it took us 3 hours to fly to Azerbaijan).
Я буду в Латвии всю неделю. – I will be in Latvia for the whole week (my stay in Latvia will last the whole week).

When talking about a trip and your intention for how long it will last, you use the preposition на + accusative case of the time expression (again remember to use genitive when needed based on the quantity or number).

Он поедет в Украину на 5 дней. – He will go to Ukraine for 5 days.
Американские студенты поехали в Казахстан на семестр. – The American students went to Kazakhstan for a semester.

The intended length of a trip (на сколько времени) is always expressed in sentences with verbs of motion while duration (how long something takes or lasts – сколько времени) may be expressed using other verbs.

Упражнение 19. Сколько времени или На сколько времени?

Choose the correct phrase.

Numbers as roots: одно-, двух-, трёх-, четырёх-, пяти-, etc.

Грамматика: одно-, двух-, трёх-, четырёх-, пяти-, etc.

Sometimes numbers are used as a root that combines with other roots to create compound words. In most cases these numbers are in the genitive case. First take a look at a few examples. We have given you up to six, and while this can occur with larger numbers as well, it gets less common as numbers get larger. Larger numbers follow the same pattern of being in the genitive form (семи-, восьми-, девяти-,…).

одно- одноголосная мелодия – a one-voiced melody
одноклассник – classmate (people who were in the same, or one class together)
дву- / двух- двухдневный семинар – a two-day seminar
двуязычие – bilingualism
трёх- трёхглавый дракон – three-headed dragon
трёхкомнатная квартира – 3 room apartment
четырёх- четырёхактная пьеса – a 4-act play
четырёхлетие – 4-year anniversary
пяти- пятилетка – 5 year plan
пятисерийный фильм – 5-part film
шести- шестипалый человек – six-fingered person
шестинедельная война – six week war

Упражнение 20. Одно-, Двух-…

Fill in the blanks with the correct number root based on the picture.

Questions with ли

Грамматика: Questions with ли

Yes or no questions often include the particle ли, which is usually in the second position in the sentence, often after the verb. The word order in these sentences normally goes: predicate (often, but not always, the verb), then ли, then the subject.

Есть ли бассейн в этой гостинице? – Is there a swimming pool in that hotel?

Получил ли он работу? – Did he get a job?

Будут ли студенты играть в карты сегодня вечером? – Will the students play cards tonight?

Упражнение 21. Ли

Fill in the blanks with a verb and ли.



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