История Казахстана

On this page, you will review some grammar related to time expressions, read about some of the major events in the history of Kazakhstan, and then put these events in order based on what you read. You may want to break up your completion of this page, and taking some brief notes may help you to keep track of what you learn.

Грамматика: Talking about centuries, decades, years

Review how to talk about centuries, decades, and years to prepare to learn about Kazakhstan’s history. 

Prepositional and genitive cases are used to talk about centuries, decades, and years.

Centuries Decades Years Other time periods
Prepositional case In what century? In what centuries?

В каком веке? В девятнадцатом веке.

В каких веках? В XII-XIV веках.

Remember that centuries are often indicated by Roman numerals:

Казахстан стал независимым государством в XX-ом веке.

In what years / what decade?

В каких годах? В 20-ых годах.

In what year?

В каком году? В 2017-ом году.

In the beginning / middle / end

В начале

В середине

В конце

Genitive case Of what century?

В начале семнадцатого века.

Of what years / what decade?

В конце девяностых годов.

Of what year?

21 января 1975-го года.

Before / up to

до этого времени


после этого времени

From… to…

с августа до декабря


во время войны


Упражнение 7. Выражения времени.

Now check your knowledge by completing this exercise.

Давайте почитаем! История Казахстана.

The pages of this slide show contain chunks of a longer text about the history of Kazakhstan. Find out from your instructor if you should complete all of the activities in the slide show, or look at the slides only enough to complete the exercise below. To view the slide show full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right.

Упражнение 8. В каком порядке?

Based on the slides above, put the major events in the correct order. Find out from your instructor if you should complete the version in Russian or in English.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.