Other optional activities

On this page are some additional resources with suggested activities that teachers and learners might find useful to use in connection with this chapter on Kazakhstan. Click on the links below to skip to a particular activity.

Видео: Интервью Юрия Дудя с Ириной Кайратовной

Видео: Jah Khalib об Алматы

Видео: Documentary “Men Sen Emes” (Face the Music)

Видео: Когда все выучат казахский язык?

Видео: Короткометражный фильм “Соседи”

Текст: «Я мечтаю, чтобы общество знало о незрячих людях»

Текст: «Для меня главное, чтобы мой сын был счастлив»

Видео: Интервью Юрия Дудя с Ириной Кайратовной

Interview in which Yuri Dud talks to the group Ирина Кайратовна in depth about Kazakhstan, their music, their comedy, and their politics.


Suggested clips:

17:45-18:45 – About the city of Pavlodar, where many musicians are from, including Скриптонит
18:45-19:36 – About how Kuanysh Beisekov learned Russian from Harry Potter
24:12-25:00 – Yuri asks the only Russian member of the group how it is to live in Kazakhstan
37:59-42:03 – Kuanysh talks about the clip “Беги”, which is about domestic violence, and his beliefs about the tie between alcohol and domestic violence
48:09-49:19 – About the Kazakh national dish, бешбармак, and how it’s made, as well as the tradition to let the oldest person start eating first
49:20-50:24 – About курт and how it was used to help save the women in the ALZHIR labor camp

Jah Khalib об Алматы

Jah Khalib talks about his love for the city of Almaty and about the legendary pop artist Батырхан Шукенов.

Link to transcript of clip Jah Khalib об Алматы

Possible activity 1: Поговорите с партнёром: Почему Jah Khalib любит Алматы? Как вы думаете, вам понравится Алматы? Расскажите о городе, который вы любите, и почему вы его любите.

Possible activity 2: Послушайте разные варианты песни “Любовь – река” и поговорите о том, какой вариант вам больше всего нравится, и почему.

Documentary “Men Sen Emes” (Face the Music)

Film about the Kazakh boy band Ninety One.

The film has English subtitles available.

Когда все выучат казахский язык?

Video in which Kazakhs talk about the issue of the Kazakh language, and why some Kazakhs do not speak it.


Suggested clips:

21:20-22:05 – How there are still more opportunities for Russian speakers than Kazakh speakers
23:27-24:09 – A little about the statistics of who in Kazakhstan understands and speaks which languages
24:28-26:00 – What are some of the barriers to people speaking Kazakh?
29:11-32:20 – The role of the Soviet Union in the marginalization of the Kazakh language
52:25-55:40 – Why is Kazakh becoming more popular, even among non-Kazakhs?
55:41-57:02 – The role of music in the revitalization of the Kazakh language

Короткометражный фильм “Соседи”

Short film set in an apartment building in Almaty.

Link to transcript of short film “Соседи”

Possible activity: Watch this short film and observe some of the tension between what might be considered to be traditional Kazakh values and life in a large city. How do the different characters deal with this?


«Я мечтаю, чтобы общество знало о незрячих людях»

Article about a visually impaired athlete and blogger.

Possible activity 1: Each student will be assigned one question/answer to read from the interview. Report on the question/answer to your partner or your classmates.

Possible activity 2: Come up with more questions in Russian that you could ask Ардан.

«Для меня главное, чтобы мой сын был счастлив»

Article about a young person who is gay in Kazakhstan and his mother and her attitude towards him.

Possible activity: Learn about some of the other organizations mentioned in the article and report about them to your classmates.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.