Share some new music with other students

Use any music service you like to discover some more new music from countries where Russian is spoken, and then share an interesting song with other students studying Russian!

On the Padlet below you can find some Spotify playlists that can get you started, or you can explore on your own. When you find a song that you like, post it on the Padlet so that other students can discover it as well! Include a little bit of information about it in Russian, answering the following questions:

  • Как вас зовут?
  • Откуда вы?
  • Как называется эта песня?
  • Из какой страны эта песня?
  • На каком языке эта песня?
  • Эта песня старая или новая?
  • Эта песня какого жанра?
  • Кто поёт эту песню?
  • Почему вам нравится эта песня?

You can also comment on others’ posts.

Note that these posts are publicly visible, so if you prefer, you can post anonymously. Just be sure to let your teacher know which post is yours if you need to receive credit for your assignment.

You can open the Padlet in full screen by clicking on the arrows in the upper right or by clicking this link: Share music on Padlet



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.