Other optional activities

On this page are some additional resources with suggested activities that teachers and learners might find useful to use in connection with this chapter. Click on the links below to skip to a particular activity.

Learn about notable immigrants across the four different waves

Михаил Барышников

Ukrainian immigration to Canada


Регина Спектор

Ногу Свело!

Learn about notable immigrants across the four different waves

Learn about one of the notable immigrants from Russian-speaking countries across the four different waves of immigration. Then, give a presentation or write a short paper about them in Russian or English, following your instructor’s directions.

Первая волна Вторая волна Третья волна Четвёртая волна
Irving Berlin / Ирвинг Берлин Igor Sikorsky / Игорь Сикорский Alexander Vilenkin / Александр Виленкин Sergey Brin / Сергей Брин
Isaac Asimov / Айзек Азимов George Balanchine / Джордж Баланчин Willi Tokarev / Вилли Токарев Regina Spektor / Регина Спектор
Max Weber (artist) / Макс Вебер Sergei Rachmaninoff / Сергей Рахманинов Sergei Dovlatov / Сергей Довлатов Mila Kunis / Мила Кунис
Moses Gomberg / Мозес Гомберг Ayn Rand / Айн Ранд (Алиса Розенбаум) Natalia Makarova / Наталия Макарова Nastia Liukin / Настя Люкин
Louis B. Mayer / Луис Майер (Лазарь Майер) Vladimir Nabokov / Владимир Набоков Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn / Александр Солженицын Sergei Khrushchev / Сергей Хрущёв

Михаил Барышников

Watch a documentary dedicated to the 75th birthday of dancer and choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov. It discusses his childhood in Riga, Latvia, his decision to defect to Canada, his career, and his return to Riga.

Ukrainian immigration to Canada

Canada is home to more than 1.2 million Ukrainians and persons of Ukrainian heritage. Watch this short lecture (in English) by Dr. Stella Hryniuk to learn about waves of Ukrainian Immigration to Canada.


Как говорят русскоязычные иммигранты в США? Learn more about “рунглиш”!

Регина Спектор

Listen to songs by a Russian-born American singer, songwriter, and pianist Regina Spektor.

Cover of Bulat Okudzhava’s song “Молитва Франсуа Вийона” (“The Prayer of François Villon”). You can find the lyrics here. You can listen to Bulat Okudzhava’s original song here.

“Не покидай меня.”  You can find the lyrics here.

Ногу Свело!

Listen to songs  by Nogu Svelo! (Russian: Ногу свело!lit.‘Leg has cramped!’), a contemporary Russian rock band. The group was founded by Maxim Pokrovsky, the only consistent member and author of nearly all of the band’s work. While originally from Moscow, the band relocated to the US in 2016. Their latest album is titled “Ампутация.”



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.