Демография России

On this page you will learn a little about Russia’s ethnic makeup overall. Then in the rest of the chapter we will focus on several of Russia’s ethnic minorities.

Упражнение 1. Послушайте текст и заполните пропуски.

The activity below is given twice, once in English and once in Russian. You can choose which one to complete, or complete it according to your instructor’s directions.

Упражнение 2. Население России.

This graph shows the population of the biggest ethnic groups in Russia besides Russians. In this chapter we will focus on 3 regions and their populations: Татарстан, Кабардино-Балкария, and Бурятия. Find the four ethnic groups that are from these areas and then below drag them to the correct order based on their population.

Татары - more than 4 million; between 1 and 2 million: чеченцы, башкиры, чуваши, аварцы; under 1 million: украинцы, казахи, кабардинцы, ингуши, осетины, мордва, якуты, буряты, марийцы, удмурты, таджики, узбеки, крымские татары, белорусы, немцы, калмыки, балкарцы

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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.