Мода в России сейчас: этнобренды

Clothing with elements of a national character are becoming more popular in the republics in Russia. On this page you will listen to one clip on this topic and read some profiles of local clothing designers.

Давайте послушаем! Этническая мода в Бурятии.

Watch the clip and complete the exercises after it.

Давайте почитаем! Этнобренды.

Read the profiles of some clothing designers from Tatarstan and complete the exercises about them. The text is adapted from https://www.business-gazeta.ru/article/604073

Упражнение 26. Определите, какой это дизайнер.

After reading about the designers above, match the names of the designers to the statements describing them. Review the slide show if you need to.

Давайте поговорим! Поговорите с партнёром.

1. Одежду какого дизайнера вы бы купили?
2. Почему вам нравится стиль этого дизайнера?
3. Какой из этих дизайнеров вам не нравится? Почему?

Follow-up activities:

А. Browse the Instagram accounts below of some of the clothing designers. Choose an outfit and then report to your class about the outfit. You could imagine that you are a designer describing the outfit at a fashion show.

Buro Banu
Татарча casual
Luisa Skipina

Б. Have you ever noticed instances of clothing designers in your country incorporating traditional or folk patterns? See if you can find any pictures with these patterns and then describe them to your partners.



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.