Символы Украины

Давайте почитаем! Прочитайте текст и сделайте упражнение ниже.

Read the text and complete the exercise below it. You don’t need to understand every word in the text to be able to answer the questions in the exercise. To view the slide show full screen, click on the arrows in the bottom right.

Упражнение 12. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

Answer the questions based on the text above.  This set of questions is in English.  Feel free to refer back to the text as needed to find specific answers. 

Цвета! Помните ли вы названия цветов?  Сравните названия цветов на русском и украинском языках. Какие похожи, a какие разные?

Colors! Do you remember what colors are called in Russian? Compare the names of colors in Russian and Ukrainian. Which ones are similar and which ones are different? Click on the audio player below each Ukrainian word to hear its pronunciation.

По-русски По-украински По-английски
белый білий 

голубой блакитний

light blue
жёлтый жовтий

зелёный зелений 

красный червоний

коричневый коричневий

оранжевый помаранчевий

розовый рожевий

серый сірий

синий синій

dark blue
фиолетовый фіолетовий

чёрный чорний


Упражнение 13. Какие цвета есть на картине Казимира Малевича “Спортсмены”? 

Check how well you remember colors in Russian by dragging and dropping each Russian color name to its corresponding outline on the painting “Sportsmen” by Kazimir Malevich, who was born and educated in Ukraine. You will learn more about Kazimir Malevich later in this lesson.

Давайте поговорим!  Какие цвета есть на флагах разных стран? 

Look at the flags provided and identify in Russian the colors that are present in each flag.

Флаг Украины

Цвета: синий и жёлтый

Flag of Kazakhstan Blue with yellow sun with 32 rays above a soaring yellow steppe eagle. On the left, yellow national ornamental pattern . Флаг Казахстана


Flag of Lithuania. Three horizontal stripes: red on the bottom, green in the middle, yellow on top.

Флаг Литвы


Flag of Kyrgyzstan. Red background with a yellow sun that contains a depiction of a tunduk, the opening in the center of the roof of a yurt . Флаг Кыргызстана


Flag of Moldova Three vertical stripes: blue, yellow, and red, with the coat of arms of Moldova in the middle (an eagle holding a shield. Флаг Молдовы


Flag of Uzbekistan Three horizontal stripes: light blue on top, white in the middle, and green on the bottom, with a white crescent moon and twelve white stars. Флаг Узбекистана


Flag of Estonia Three horizontal stripes: black on the bottom, blue in the middle, and white on top.
Флаг Эстонии


Image sources:

Герб Украины “ВОЛЯ”: https://www.ar25.org/article/rozgadano-tayemnyy-sens-gerba-ukrayinskoyi-derzhavy.html


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.