Teachers Manual – Урок 5: Сакартвело (Грузия)

Find some advice for teachers about the Sakartvelo chapter on this page, organized by page of the lesson. Click the plus signs to open them.

You can also find some materials for use in the classroom in our Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo Google folder. There are some Google slides for teacher use (including a collection of Sakartvelo-themed memes at the end), as well as some Google docs that can be used as handouts. We also hope that if you have materials related to the book’s content that you are willing to share, that you will upload them to the “Sharing materials from users” folder as well.

General guidance and resources

Depending on your students’ level, you might want to spend 6-9 class periods on the chapter about Sakartvelo. However, if you only have a short time to spend, you could either focus on more general information about Georgia (the first 8 pages of the lesson), or focus on the part of the lesson about food and hospitality. Or you could skip certain pages to shorten the lesson for your own needs. Pages that can easily be skipped: Сакартвело (Грузия): основные факты, Интересные факты о Сакартвело, Население и этнический состав, Население и этнический состав 2, Притча о Грузии, Вахтанг Кикабидзе: Биография, Булат Окуджава: биография, Булат Окуджава: Грузинская песня.


Quizlet sets – main vocabulary list

Quizlet sets – complete vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Docs – main vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Sheets – complete vocabulary list

Vocabulary list in Google Docs – complete vocabulary list

Speaking activities collected in one Google Doc

Texts collected in one Google Doc

Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo Google folder (materials that can be used in class)

Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo Google slides

Страница: Сакартвело (Грузия): основные факты

Упражнение 1

You might want to emphasize to your students that they don’t need to remember all of these vocabulary words, and that they don’t need to understand everything to complete the exercises. For this reason, you might want to encourage them to read the questions before reading the text.

If you think it would be helpful for your students, you can print out the whole text from this Google doc: Сакартвело (Грузия): основные факты text. Keep in mind that the pictures that are on the website page in the interactive slide show may also help them.

Страница: Интересные факты о Сакартвело

Давайте почитаем!

Reading the questions first before the text may be beneficial to your students, and drawing their attention to this may help them develop good strategies.

Упражнение 2, 3

If you like you could ask your students to do only the exercise in English or only the one in Russian, or both.

Упражнение 4

Encourage your students to use key words to understand the events described in упражнение 4.

Страница: Население и этнический состав

Давайте почитаем!

If you like, you can print out this printable version of the text. It also includes the table of genitive forms of numbers from the next page. If you make your own copy of the file, you can delete that if you would like.

Упражнение 5

You could consider having students write out the questions as they hear them, similar to a dictation, before they try answering them.

Давайте поговорим!

You can remind students that it’s OK to go back to what they learned earlier on the page in order to successfully complete the “Давайте поговорим” exercise.

Страница: Население и этнический состав 2


If you would like, you can give your students this printable version of the table of the genitive forms of numbers. It includes the text from the previous page as well, you can delete that if you make your own copy of the file.

Упражнение 6

If the genitive case of numbers is review for your students, you can just have them read over the grammar part to refresh their memory. If it is a new topic for your students, you may want to practice this before they have to complete the exercise on their own, or work on the activity as a group.

Давайте почитаем!

Note that if you right-click on the image, it will open in a separate tab.

Страница: Грузия, Georgia или Сакартвело? – Подготовка 1

Упражнения 7, 8

Encourage students to allow grammar clues and clues from parts of speech to help them complete the activity.

Упражнение 9

It may help your students to think through what parts of speech would be needed in each blank.

Страница: Грузия, Georgia или Сакартвело? – Подготовка 2

Упражнение 10

If you have more advanced students, you might give them the extra challenge of matching the example sentences with the definitions of the words, rather than having them just read them.

Давайте поговорим!

If you have less advanced students, you may want to direct them to look at all of the Подсказки, or do it together with them before they start talking to their partners.

Страница: Грузия, Georgia или Сакартвело?

Упражнение 11

If you prefer, you could have your students listen and do this assignment in class on paper. You can find a printable version of it at this link: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Грузия, Georgia или Сакартвело? Fill in the blanks.

Давайте поговорим!

If your students are of a lower level, you may want to provide them with possible answers to the questions or help them get started with their answers to the questions.

Страница: Притча о Грузии

Упражнение 14

Make sure to let your students know how you would like them to answer these questions, in writing or orally.

If you prefer, you could have your students listen and do this assignment in class on paper. You can find a printable version of it at this link: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Притча о Грузии Fill in the blanks.

Страница: Кухня и гостеприимство: Слова, которые вы наверное уже знаете

Упражнение 17

If you have students who are at a lower level, you may wish to review the verb есть / съесть before they try this exercise, or go through it together.

Упражнение 18

Students may need to be reminded that it is not sufficient to find the correct words; they also need to put them in the correct forms.

Страница: Кухня и гостеприимство: Новые слова

Грузинские блюда

If you have students at a higher level of intermediate, you might have them try to describe the pictures of food to classmates and then their classmates guess what they are describing.

Страница: Кухня и гостеприимство: Грамматика

For all of these grammar topics, if your students are relatively familiar with them, you can easily just have them review them quickly and complete the exercise. If the topics are completely new, you may want to go over them together.

Упражнение 21

If your students need to review the names of utensils, you should prompt them to do so before they undertake this activity.

Страница: Вахтанг Кикабидзе: Биография

Давайте почитаем!

If you prefer, you can give your students a version of the text on paper. You can find a link here: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Вахтанг Кикабидзе: Биография text.

Давайте поговорим!

You can also find all of the Давайте поговорим! activities on the Давайте поговорим! page.

Страница: Вахтанг Кикабидзе: Пожелание друзьям

Упражнение 26

You can have your students fill in the blanks on paper if you prefer. You can find a link to a printable version here: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Вахтанг Кикабидзе: Пожелание друзьям – Song fill in the blanks.

Страница: Слова с корнем “гость”

Слова с корнем “гость”

Have your students brainstorm as many words as they can that have this root. You might also have them try to match some of the meanings of the words on the list.

Remember that you can find all of the Давайте поговорим! activities on the Давайте поговорим! page.

Страница: Традиции гостеприимства

Remember that you can find all of the Давайте поговорим! activities on the Давайте поговорим! page.

Страница: Супра

You can have your students read the text on paper if you prefer. You can find a printable version at this link: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Супра text.

Упражнение 30

You might consider having your students listen to the questions and write them out as a dictation as they hear them. Then they can read the text and answer the questions.

Remember that you can find all of the Давайте поговорим! activities on the Давайте поговорим! page.

Страница: Tрадиционные блюда: хачапури

Давайте почитаем!

If your students find the recipe difficult, remind them that they don’t have to understand everything in the recipe to complete the activities. You could also consider having them watch the video in which khachapuri is made before they complete the exercises. This might give them an idea of what to expect.

Страница: Ртвели: праздник сбора урожая винограда

Давайте послушаем!

Remember that you can find the transcript of the video clip in the Тексты Google doc.

Страница: Тосты

Давайте послушаем!

Remember that you can find the transcript of the video clip in the Тексты Google doc.

Упражнение 33

You might consider bringing in sparkling juice and small wine glasses and make toasts as a class.

Страница: Булат Окуджава: биография

Давайте почитаем!

If you prefer, you can have your students read this text on paper. You can find a printable version of the text at this link: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Булат Окуджава: биография text.

Упражнения 34, 35

Be sure to let your students know whether you want them to complete the English version of this activity, the Russian version, or both.

Страница: Булат Окуджава: Грузинская песня

Упражнение 37

If you prefer, you can have your students fill in the blanks on paper. You can find a printable version of the activity at this link: Diverse Russian – Sakartvelo (Georgia) – Булат Окуджава: Грузинская песня Fill in the blanks.

Страница: Главный секрет грузинского застолья

Давайте послушаем!

Remember that you can find the transcript of the video clip in the Тексты Google doc.

Страница: Кулинарное путешествие: пробуйте, голосуйте, делитесь!

In most cases you will probably want students to not spend too much time on any individual recipe; instead, they should explore them to get a general feeling of each one. If you have more advanced students you may want to ask them to focus more on details.

Страница: Кулинарное путешествие: голосуйте за любимое блюдо!

You might want to have your students try to guess which recipes will be the most popular and give reasons why. You could also determine what the most popular recipe in your particular class is. If you have contacts with other teachers using the book, you could compare whether the classes agreed on their favorite recipes. You could also schedule a cooking day and choose a couple of recipes to try together, and then take pictures that could be shared with next year’s cohort. You could even create a short video highlighting some of the cooking process, and share that with your next year’s class. You could also give your students an extra credit assignment to try a recipe and report back about it, or bring it to a special class party.

Страница: Share recipes with other students

Please note that theoretically this Padlet is open to the public, so do not force your students to write their name or any identifying information on it. We are monitoring the page, but if you do notice anything that needs to be removed, please contact us at diverserussian@gmail.com. You can also encourage your students to comment on other students’ postings.

If you have concerns about privacy, you could have your students complete this assignment on paper or in a course management system, though we welcome as much participation as possible so that our students can make connections to other students outside of their university in their study of Russian.


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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.