
Earlier in this lesson, you learned that toasts hold great importance in Georgian “supra” traditions. On this page, you will watch a video that will give you a glimpse of a “supra” and an opportunity to hear an authentic Georgian toast.

Before watching the video, familiarize yourself with the words that will help you to understand the toast master.

Упражнение 32. Перед просмотром видео поработайте над следующими словами и фразами.

Study and practice the following words and phrases before watching the video. 

сакральный sacred
горе sorrow
на протяжении for (a period of time), throughout
тысячелетиe millennium
страдать to suffer
захватчик invader
многочисленные numerous
мало того not only, moreover
враг enemy
одолевать tо conquer, to overcome
рубить to cut down
природа nature
милостива merciful
дойти to reach
благословлять to bless
Гаумарджос! Cheers! (word in Georgian)

Давайте послушаем!  Посмотрите видео и ответьте на вопросы, которые появляются на экране.

Now, watch the video and answer the questions as they appear on the screen. Remember, some questions may have more than one correct answer. If you need a slower playback rate, click on the dial icon located at the bottom right of the video player.

Источник: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Used with permission.

Упражнение 33. Посмотрите видео ещё раз и вставьте пропущенные слова.

Watch the video again and fill in the missing words. Keep in mind that scrolling down on the page might stop the video, so ensure you can view the video and the exercise on your screen without scrolling.

Давайте поговорим! 

А. In the video, you heard the toast master begin his toast with the words: “Я хочу выпить за…”.  As you may recall, when giving toasts in Russian, you need to use the accusative case following the preposition “за.” Working with a partner, use this expression to create brief toasts for the following occasions:

День рождения мамы
День рождения дедушки
Международный женский день (8 марта)
День учителя
Конец семестра
Окончание школы или университета
Новая работа
Встреча с друзьями

Новый год: Я хочу выпить за счастливый Новый год!

Б. In the video, you listened to the toastmaster share a story to establish a context for his toast. Consider an occasion for which you could create a toast in a similar fashion. Take a few minutes to compose that toast and then present it to your partner or classmates.



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Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration Copyright © by Anna Tumarkin and Shannon Donnally Quinn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.